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Why Do We Tell Stories
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7m 0s
In this class Christopher Rivas talks about what our stories can teach us about waking up? How can our personal stories reveal to us the things we weren't able to see in the moment? How can they reveal us? This workshop is dedicated to the truths and knowings within our stories.
If everything is a story, one that we have been made to believe, or one that we have chosen to believe, then knowing the difference is profound.
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A Simple Grounding Exercise to Dispel...
House of Intuition's own Valentina Zapata goes through some of her favorite crystals that pertain to the Root Chakra.
Kristin's Own Experiences
Reimagining Zero
In this class Harriet Wien takes us to the place of nothingness. To create magic, you need to start from a place void. Includes instructions and a guided meditation.