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Calling Elegba to Open Roads
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9-minute healing and guided meditation calling the deity Elegba to help us open roads for us. A unique blend of self-empowerment and Afro-Cuban tradition by our charismatic healer Afimaye Galarraga.
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Introduction to the Suit of Pentacles
The Minor Arcana of the Tarot consists of four different suits. Wands, Pentacles, Cups and Swords. In this series we go through each of the 14 cards in the Suit of the Pentacles.
Ace of Swords
The Minor Arcana of the Tarot consists of four different suits. Wands, Pentacles, Cups and Swords. In this series we go through each of the 14 cards in the Swords Suit.
Behind the Magic with Naha
Marco Gonzalez goes behind the scenes at HOI.TV.