30 Seconds to Fix Anything
Releasing / Letting go
In this first episode of Patti Negri's Magic School, she shows you very simple techniques you can use in typical everyday situations to release whatever you're going through.
Up Next in Releasing / Letting go
Power of Breath Introduction
In this series Andrew Martin goes deep into understanding the power that lies in our breath. With loads of interesting knowledge and simple exercises you can elevate your vibrations and deal with difficult situations better.
What is a Story?
In this class Christopher Rivas talks about what our stories can teach us about waking up? How can our personal stories reveal to us the things we weren't able to see in the moment? How can they reveal us? This workshop is dedicated to the truths and knowings within our stories.
If everything is...
Why Do We Tell Stories
In this class Christopher Rivas talks about what our stories can teach us about waking up? How can our personal stories reveal to us the things we weren't able to see in the moment? How can they reveal us? This workshop is dedicated to the truths and knowings within our stories.
If everything is...